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Layla is here

and she will be uploading pictures and news (in german more i guess)..
So.. since i´m too bad with uploading pictures and writing news i´m giving you the link of her blog :))

Fast update: we are in Guayaquil, we met, we are really happy 🙂

I´ll manage to update my blog also soon, i promise :pkisses from the really warm ecuador!!

Two months to go!

It’s less than two months to go and I am very excited! I am managing well with my before-i-go-tasks and it seems like i will not have any unfinished business before i go 🙂

From Frankfurt am Main I fly to Santiago de Chile with two stops, Santo Domingo and Panama city.  So i departure on 24th of October around 10 pm and I arrive the next day at half past eight in the night  -local times.

Total flying time: 18 hours and 56 minutes :O That’s quite a few of cosmic radiation!Waiting time: 10 hours and 11 minutes (i always wanted to finish the origin of species :p)
Plus the 6 hours difference between Germany and Chile.. here you go :p