Back to blogging!!

I haven’t written for a while partially because internet continues to be difficult but also because facebook with its application and all makes it so easy and I don’t feel so bad when I don’t write much!

But I thought I start writing again here, more picture posting I guess rather than text and more importantly, also for my friends that don’t use facebook..

I was in Mindo,a small village near Quito but much lower in altitude. The village is in the jungle, not the Amazonian, the other side of Andes which means a warm and humid climate with a lot of water.
We walked this morning to some waterfalls nearby and it was really really nice? One of the most beautiful places I have been.. The village is a bit touristic but we enjoyed the little time we spent there 🙂
So here some photos!!

This is still in the village!


I will try to write more here and post some picture:)
I send my kisses from the amazing Ecuador!!

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